Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland​ & Chair of the Department of Economics

Andrew Sweeting

Published Papers (with links to accepted versions or JSTOR)

"Coordination, Differentiation and the Timing of Radio Commercials", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 15(4), 2006

Accepted Version

"Market Power in the England and Wales Wholesale Electricity Market 1995-2000", The Economic Journal, 117(520), 2007

Accepted Version

"The Strategic Timing of Radio Commercials: An Empirical Analysis Using Multiple Equilibria", RAND Journal of Economics, 40(4), 2009

Accepted Version

"The Effects of Mergers on Product Positioning:  Evidence from the Music Radio Industry", RAND Journal of Economics, 41(2), 2010

Accepted Version

Earlier Versions (with some additional results): Too Much Rock and Roll     Music Variety, Station Listenership, ...    

"Price Dynamics in Perishable Goods Markets: The Case of Secondary Markets for Major League Baseball Tickets", Journal of Political Economy, 120(6), 2012   

Accepted Version


"When Should Sellers Use Auctions?", American Economic Review, 103(5), 2013, with James Roberts

Accepted Version     

Linked to Published Version (with minor changes)

"Dynamic Product Positioning in Differentiated Product Industries: The Effect of Fees for Musical Performance Rights on the Commercial Radio Industry", Econometrica, 81(5), 2013

Accepted Version


Link to code and materials

"Regulating Bidder Participation in Auctions", RAND Journal of Economics 45(4), 2014, with Vivek Bhattacharya and James Roberts

Accepted Version

"Multiplicity of Equilibria and Information Structures in Empirical Games: Challenges and Prospects", Marketing Letters, 2014, with multiple co-authors (Brett Gordon, Paul Ellickson and Ron Borkovsky were the principal organizers)

Accepted Version

"Selective Entry and Auction Design", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 43, 2015, with Vivek Bhattacharya

Accepted Version

"Radio", Chapter in the Handbook of Media Economics (Elsevier), ed., Simon Anderson, Joel Waldfogel and David Strömberg, 2015

Accepted Version

"Bailouts and the Preservation of Competition", American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2016, with James Roberts

Accepted Version

Earlier versions (without the bailout application):  Competition versus Auction Design     

"Secondary Markets", New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2019

Accepted Version

"A Model of Dynamic Limit Pricing with an Application to the Airline Industry", Journal of Political Economy,128(3), 2020, wtih Chris Gedge and James Roberts
Accepted Version

Economics at the FTC: Fertilizer, Consumer Complaints and Private Label Cereal, Review of Industrial Organization, 57(4), 2020, with Dave Balan, Nick Kriesle, Matt Panhans and Devesh Raval

Accepted Version

Not All Pre-Emptive Mergers Are Alike: A Classification of Recent Cases, Antitrust Chronicle, 2020, with Joel Schrag and Nathan Wilson


A Review of Cases Involving the Loss of Potential and Nascent Competition at the FTC, With Particular Reference to Vertical Mergers, Competition Law and Policy Debate, 6(2), 2020, with Alison Oldale and Bilal Sayeed

Accepted Version

Economic Issues in the Merger Analysis for Platforms, Competition Law Insights, November 2021, with Sinan Corus


"Repositioning and Market Power After Airline Mergers", forthcoming at the RAND Journal of Economics (accepted August 2021), with Sophia Li, Joe Mazur, James Roberts, Yongjoon Park and Jun Zhang

Winner of the Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize for the Best Paper in Antitrust Economics 2018
Accepted Version

Dynamic Price Competition, Learning-By-Doing and Strategic Buyers, American Economic Review, 112(4), 1311-33, April 2022, with Calvin Jia, Shen Hui and Xinlu Yao

Accepted Version

Code Repository

On the Misuse of Regressions of Price on the Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index in Merger Review, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 10, 248-259, July 2022, with many coauthors

Journal Website

 "Dynamic Oligopoly Pricing with Asymmetric Information: Implications for Horizontal Mergers", with Xuezhen Tao and Xinlu Yao, Dec 2023, Forthcoming American Economics Journal: Microeconomics
Older version (NBER WP 28589)
Accepted Version

Replication code

"Should We Expect Uncertain Merger Synergies to Be Passed Through to Consumers?", with Mario Leccese, Xuezhen Tao and Xinlu Yao, forthcoming, 
Journal of Industrial Economics
Old version (CEPR DP 17059)

Replication code